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Do you know how ADHD brains perceive rewards?

(2 min read) This brain trick makes consistency way easier for us.


I need to talk to you about dopamine.

You know that rush you get when you're about to start something exciting?

That's dopamine. And chances are, it's not what you think it is.

Here's what you probably don’t know about dopamine:

→ It's released during anticipation, not just achievement 🧠

→ It's why starting feels amazing (but finishing is hard) 📈

→ It's the secret to maintaining momentum 🔄

For us ADHDers, dopamine isn't just important—it's the holy grail.

Your brain literally runs on this stuff.

But here's where it gets interesting:

Your brain gets a bigger dopamine hit from anticipating a reward than actually getting it.


→ New projects feel exciting

Planning feels better than doing

Starting is easier than finishing

So here’s how we can use this to our advantage 🏆️ 

Instead of one big reward at the end of a project, create tiny rewards throughout for each milestone.

Here's how I might structure this for myself:

→ Complete 90 min deep-focus session→ 10 min gaming break

→ Finish top priority tasks→ Do the rest of my light work from my fave Coffee shop

→ Hit weekly goal → Buy that new book I want

Not only does reserving treats make real progress WAY easier.

But it also feels WAY better when we get those rewards, because we actually EARNED them.

One of my clients, Tom, was struggling to maintain momentum on his projects.

We implemented this "micro-rewards" system.

And his project completion rate jumped from 20% to 80% in just 30 days 📈 

Because we weren't fighting his brain's reward system—we were working with it.

It sounds gimmicky, but its real stuff.

Want to learn how to implement this into your Q1 90-day goal for better results on actually achieving them?

Join us this Saturday (11th Jan) for the Free 2025 ADHD Planning Workshop.

I'll show you:

→ How to design your perfect reward system

→ The exact framework Tom used to 4x his completion rate

→ Why traditional motivation advice fails ADHD brains

👉 Reply "PLAN" to save your spot

Talk tomorrow,


📍 P.S. Your brain is wired for rewards. Learn how to use this at Saturday's workshop. Reply "PLAN" now to secure your spot.


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